SRA John Wright Speaker Series: Jennifer Wasenki

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Hosted by the Severn River Association at Cafe Mezzanotte restaurant in Severna Park, 7 p.m. on November 25th, the John Wright Speaker Series features local conservation and outdoors experts presenting on a variety of topics relating to the health of the Severn River and Chesapeake Bay. Presentations are free, registration required. In person or virtual option available. Click here to register for event. Speaker Bio: Jennifer Wazenski is an environmental and natural resources attorney with more than 30 years’ experience representing property owners, businesses, and government agencies. She has litigated and advised on many federal and State regulatory programs and led teams of attorneys in the delivery of coordinated, strategic legal services. Presentation Summary: This presentation will strive to provide community members with a toolkit for effective engagement across the various forums and processes that shape environmental and natural resource decisions at the county and state levels. Focusing on strategies…

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